Invest with Me

27. How 18% Interest Rates changed the Housing Market - Will we ever go back?

Season #2

My dad, Ron, lived in a time where mortgage interest rates were 18% - the highest in US history. He assumed he would never be able to own a home, and he would be renting forever. He had friends going down to the bank to get 12% interest on a Certificate of Deposit (CD). It was absolutely bonkers.   

He was just trying to get started, as a young man. The policies enacted to get things under control was so aggressive that it had lasting consequences for the American economy.  

But somehow, he survived, and came out on top. And he has seen the lingering effects of various monetary policies: it's not just that one quarter or one year that's affected. Why did this happen, and what did it mean for housing, cost of living, and consumer sentiment?

Do we REALLY have to choose between high interest rates and high home prices?

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